Coronavirus Pandemic Outbreak

Coronavirus Pandemic Outbreak

WORLDWIDE–  Coronavirus is also known as COVID-19. Coronavirus started in Wuhan Hubei, China. Wuhan borders the Yangtze River. America has the most cases in the world, and New York is the state that has the most cases of COVID-19 in America.

The Coronavirus (often called COVID-19) started around December 30th.  19 stands for 2019 because it started then. You can’t see the virus only, with a microscope. The virus looks like a gray ball with red, skinny curves on it.

Y.T. reported, “The Coronavirus closed a lot of businesses and sports games.’’

M.S. in New York City shared, “I heard the clapping in the city. I also heard cowbells and instruments. It was really cool because it was to support all of the medical staff and first responders. You can go outside wearing a mask and gloves if you want to.”

J.S. responded, “It’s a bit scary and you have to be careful and wash your hands. Plus you have to keep social distance and we all have to wear a mask to keep all of us safe. It’s a bit boring at home because I can’t see my friends or other people, but the solution to that is to stay patient.”

M.S. added, “It’s terrible.  It killed thousands of people. There’s nothing we can do.”

L., who works at Montefiore Hospital in the Bronx, New York, reported, “If a patient is vomiting, has a fever, or has trouble breathing, we give the patient Tylenol, Motrin, Zofran, or other medications to treat Coronavirus. To test people if they have the virus, we use a swab in your nose and they will call you in 24 hours to tell you if you have it or not. There is also a 15-minute test, but a lot of hospitals and testing tents don’t have it. The swab in the nose is more accurate than a 15-minute test.”

Many people believe that COVID-19 came from bats (the animal, not a baseball bat), but we fully don’t know yet. Also, you can’t go to a different country because it’s too dangerous now. Quite a lot of schools, universities, and jobs are closed because of  COVID-19. Supermarkets are still open, but many people are choosing to do online shopping because they don’t want to get the Coronavirus. Even restaurants are doing online orders because no one wants to go out.  Some people go out to walk their pets. Fresh air is very healthy, no matter what. 

A lot of people are doing Google Hangouts in schools and universities so they can still learn and get to see each other. A lot of people think schools and universities will probably not open back up until September, or even longer. That’s a long time, which is why people are doing Zoom or Google Hangouts. Now kids can’t have playdates. It’s just not safe to be around each other until people find a cure for the coronavirus. If you aren’t feeling well with a fever, a bad cough in your chest, and diarrhea, if you are having trouble breathing and your lips look like they’re turning blue, then you should contact the hospital, and you will be tested for the Coronavirus.  Or, you can just go to a testing area where you get tested to see if you have it or not.

Follow these tips to try prevent COVID-19:

1. Wash your hands for 20 seconds. You can sing the Happy Birthday song twice, or you can sing the Star Wars song twice.

2. You should also not get into too much contact with each other, so you should stay about 6 feet away from each other.

3. Don’t go to parties and don’t go to people’s houses.

4. If you’re going outside, it’s best to cover your mouth and nose.

The top 10 countries that have the coronavirus badly are America, Spain, Italy, France Germany, United Kingdom, Turkey, Iran, China and then Russia according to John Hopkins University in Maryland, U.S.A.
Total confirmed cases in the world are over. 2.6 million, but it will go up.
Total countries/regions infected in the world is 185. 

We all thank the doctors, nurses and the first responders. You’re amazing. You save people’s lives every day and you help people. You’re all so nice, and you’re our heroes.