Why is Smoking Bad For You
Only dragons should breathe fire! Don’t be a fool, and don’t smoke…smoking is bad for you!
By the law, do not smoke. Smoking is bad for you because smoking can cause lung cancer, heart disease and do other damage to your body. So please do not smoke. Ms. Buzin, my newspaper club teacher said, “Smoking is terrible. It is very addictive, it damages your body, and it makes you smell awful!”
Fifth grader Esme Navarro said, “Smoking is bad for you because smoking can cause lung cancer.”
Smoking is a public health problem. Many people have died because of smoking. When you smoke, your lungs turn black. Do not smoke!
Don’t be a fool, and don’t start smoking. Cigarettes contain lots of chemicals. Cigarettes are bad for your body, especially your heart and your lungs, so please do not smoke.
Lila Carpenter • Jan 17, 2018 at 7:19 pm
I would totally not smoke! I don’t even want to! Did you know that the first time you do it, you choke? I DON’T -totally don’t- like choking!