Hopping Hearts!

Hopping Hearts!

HUTCHINSON SCHOOL–  On February 16th, Jump Rope for Heart hopped into Hutchinson Elementary School. This event, for 4th and 5th graders, was a hit. At 7:30 a.m., it was a great way to start your morning.

February is National Heart Health Month.  Jump Rope for Heart is a fundraiser for the National Heart Association. 4th and 5th graders can bring in donations to participate. These donations are sent to the National Heart Association. This money goes to helping people with heart diseases.

L.O. says, “I think that Jump Rope for Heart is a fun thing to do because it’s for a good cause and it tests people’s athletic abilities.”

“I thought it was a great way to start off a Friday, and it was super active,” states K.S..

If you donate, you can also come in early and jump rope. You can play Jump the Doughnut and do fun things with the Chinese jump rope. This was quite an enjoyable activity!