Twenty-Four Club!

Twenty-Four Club!

HUTCHINSON SCHOOL– Are you a math person? Do you like challenges? If you do, you should join 24 Club.

In 24 Club, we practice our math skills by playing a game called 24. In 24, there is a card that you set out in front of you and somebody else. You play with at least two people. The goal is to make 24 out of the 4 numbers on the card in front of you. You have to correctly answer two sides of the card to win it.  This practice will help young students get ready to compete at the end of the year. See what students think about the brain-teasing 24 Club!

SL comments, “I´ve done 24 Club every year since 3rd grade, and I am really excited for this year because I want to compete.¨

“I think it’s going to be fun and I think I’m going to try the end of the year competition,¨ EM says.

AL states, “I think it’s going to be fun, but I don’t like competitions. But I can still play to practice my math.”

Sounds fun so far, right? Even kids who don’t want to compete can still excel at math and can get better and better.

Practice + 24 game = KNOWLEDGE!