Student Government’s…HOLIDAY GIFT DRIVE!


HUTCHINSON SCHOOL– Mrs. Gentile has committed herself to doing her amazing Holiday Gift Drive! The gift drive is an idea to persuade children to donate small gifts to children who have very little.

Student Government made posters for all of the classes in the school besides 4th and 5th grade. Any children who have brought in a toy for the gift drive and food for the food drive gets a brick on the Wall of Kindness, and gets a sticker on their brick. After that, they get a small prize. See what other people from Newspaper Club thought about the Holiday Gift Drive!

SL stated, “I think that it is nice that people donate to children that do not have anything.”

NS noted, “I think it is really good that we are helping people, and I think it really shows our generosity.”

DL claimed, “It made me feel good that I was helping others.”

I hope everyone learns from Ms. Gentile`s Holiday Gift Drive, to always lend a helping hand to those in need, or anyone else.

Ms. Gentile is a 5th grade teacher at Hutchinson School. She is also the Student Government leader. She constantly reminds people to LIVE, LOVE, AND HELP OTHERS!