The Plant Sale

HUTCHINSON SCHOOL– The Plant Sale is right around the corner! The Plant Sale will be on May 5th and 6th. There are going to be lots of great smells and tons of cool things to see.

There will be flowers galore, such as marigolds, tulips, roses, chrysanthemums and hydrangeas. Not only will there be flowers, but there will be vegetable plants, such as cucumbers, tomatoes, eggplant, basil, and parsley. That’s only a couple of plants they’ll have.

Courtney Valente said, “I like the Plant Sale because it not only sells really pretty flowers, but herbs and spices.”

Klea Gjeloshi stated, “You get to buy plants for someone you love, or for yourself.”

The Plant Sale is right in time for Mother’s Day. It’s a great opportunity to get your mom a present that she will love. So, get ready because The Plant Sale is here!