Ring in the New Year
What are you doing for New Year’s? It is almost time for the new year to begin.
The countdown is coming: 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, Happy New Year!
It’s a new year and a new slate. 2016 is coming and 2015 is saying goodbye. Are you ready for the new year?
Courtney Valente said, “My New Year’s resolution is to to get stronger and keep writing stories.” She said she’s definitely staying up to see the ball drop!
Serafina Lavallee said, “My New Year’s resolution is to get better at reading.”
A New Year’s resolution is a great thing to have. A New Year’s resolution gives you something to work at and try to do. It can inspire you to push yourself. A New Year’s resolution is anything that you struggle at and want to do better. A New Year’s resolution is something that lots of people make. Will you make one?
Get ready because there’s no stopping this New Year! Make your resolutions, get out your noise makers and your silly hats! Put on your smile and get ready to ring in the New Year!

My name is Ava Paolucci. I love to write and read. I also love to hang out with my brother, Franco. My two favorite sports are lacrosse and soccer. I am...