Report Cards

HUTCHINSON SCHOOL–Report card day came and went. There were a few emotions you could have felt: Happy, sad, or okay with your grades.
Many people say, “Yeah, report cards are here again,” but others rue the day that report cards come. But, if you work hard and try your best, it’s not so bad. Many parents understand that you tried your best. It will all be okay if you don’t lie.
Regarding the report card day debacle, Julia Scotto said, “I think I did great on my report card!”
Esme Navaro said, “You get to know how you’re doing and what you need help with when you get report cards.”
I also think I did pretty well on my report card. It gives you a chance to see what you need to get better at, and you can make goals.
So, think about how you did on your report card. Did you do well? What do you need to do better? I mean, the better you do, the more proud your parents or guardians are of you. Who doesn’t like a little praise to make you feel good?

My name is Ava Paolucci. I love to write and read. I also love to hang out with my brother, Franco. My two favorite sports are lacrosse and soccer. I am...