5th Graders are Safety Patrol Monitors!
HUTCHINSON SCHOOL– The fifth graders that are doing safety patrol really like doing it!
The monitors have to make sure people are following the rules in the halls. If someone is running in the halls, it’s their job to stop them. It’s a chance for them to be responsible.
Alec Paganuzzi says, ” I enjoy it because I’m really into keeping students safe.”
Katie O’Connor said, “I like it, too, but when there is nobody in the halls, I get bored.”
Amber Bly said, “It’s fun because I like helping kids and telling them what’s right.”
Safety Patrol helps students follow the B.E.A.R. rules better (Be safe, Eager to learn, Act Responsibly, Respect Others). They do it to keep kids safe. For them, they think it’s great!

My name is Augie Brightman. I live with my mom, my sister, Anna, my dad, and my dog, Pheobe. I really enjoy drawing comics about cartoon characters that...
Rosemary • Nov 9, 2014 at 5:13 pm
Great job Augie!
Ms. Ragosta • Oct 23, 2014 at 8:26 pm
Wonderful article about Safety Patrol! Way to go!!
Binta Lewin • Oct 22, 2014 at 8:22 pm
Great job, Augie! YOU DID AN AMAZING JOB!