The Long Winter is Over…Here’s Summer!
PELHAM, NY–The long winter is over and here comes Summer!
I’m excited for the summer! Who would not want to take a break from all the work you did this year? I even think going away would be fabulous. I interviewed some people on where they’re going this year and what they’re doing on this summer.
Zainab Main said, “I am going to the pool.”
Third grader Kaitlin said, “I am going to a horseback riding camp.”
That’s just some of the people that are getting off the couch this summer. So, get off the couch, too, and don’t be a couch potato! This winter been so long…who would want to be inside?
Planting is a good idea. Some of the plants died from the winter. So, get out and have fun this summer. Just remember to do some work so your brain stays as smart as it is right now!

My name is Ava Paolucci. I love to write and read. I also love to hang out with my brother, Franco. My two favorite sports are lacrosse and soccer. I am...