Math Moments
HUTCHINSON SCHOOL– There’s an enrichment called Math Moments!
Math Moments is for third, fourth and fifth graders who are good at math and show a liking for it. Math Moments is a good way to get even better at math.
“I like the games in Math Moments. It’s a good enrichment,” KS explained.
“I’m not a big fan of math, but I like area models. I like finding the area,” MSB replied.
“Math is a cool subject. I like to do it to pass the time,” noted CB.
If you want to be in Math Moments, try your best in math. Show that you like math. Just a note if you are going to be in Math Moments: The math is challenging, but also really fun! Math is a fun subject.

Hi! My name is LC. I'm nine and a half years old. I'm in Mrs. Morrissey's class. I have a dog named Belle. She is three. I have a sister, CC, who is 7...