“Blue Man Group”
NEW YORK CITY— There is an awesome show called “Blue Man Group” playing in New York City!
The men in the “Blue Man” Group were painted blue. They didn’t talk. They did cool things like making paint come out of their shirts. There were big phones that came down, and they messed with the big phones. They did a lot of things!
Some people wonder if the “Blue Man Group” could ever talk. They wondered if their skin is actually blue. They even wonder if they’re normal people!
Let’s see what some people think about the “Blue Man Group.”
“My favorite part was when the papers went on top of us. I could barely see! It was crazy,” CC replied.
“It was cool to watch. I liked it when the spit the balls went onto the canvas,” noted MSB.
If you haven’t seen the “Blue Man Group”, you should go see them! They are really cool. They can catch small things in their mouths. They make artwork. They call somebody up to stage. At the end, paper goes over the audience. Some people got covered with paper! People were laughing and smiling. The lights go on and off at the end, too. It looked like motion pictures.
If you have plans to see them, enjoy them! If you don’t, make plans!

Hi! My name is LC. I'm nine and a half years old. I'm in Mrs. Morrissey's class. I have a dog named Belle. She is three. I have a sister, CC, who is 7...