Some STAR LAB Fun!

HUTCHINSON SCHOOL GYM– Kids in fourth grade had an awesome time at one of their in-school field trips. It was called Star Lab. Star Lab was a cool trip that had to do with science. That’s because the fourth graders were starting their new unit on science.
When one of my classmates saw the balloon that was shaped as an igloo, she totally knew that this was going to be fun doing this experiment. There was a lady named Mrs. Rosell explained what Star Lab is to all the kids. After she was done, we went into the igloo. When everybody went into the igloo, we saw a projector in the inside. Mrs. Rosell said that we were going to use the projector to show use the constellations and the moon and the stars. There were really cool constellations.
After seeing the constellations, Mrs. Rosell set up something else. She had a flashlight that had a big arrow, and she said ” I will be using this to point at the constellation.” She made all the students interested to learn a lot about a constellation called “The Big Dipper.” I thought that constellation was really cool.
After she explained the amazing information about “The Big Dipper,” Mrs. Rosell took out two balls to do a demonstration with the earth and the sun. She called a student named Gustavo to do the demonstration. I was also called up to try the demonstration. Then she told Gustavo to bring the ball that was the sun closer to my ball that was the earth.
After she was done talking, she said, “You see, the sun is blocking the earth, boys and girls.”
Then everybody said, “Yes.”
After we were all done learning about the constellations, we went out of the air balloon that was shaped like an igloo. Lastly, we took a picture together so we can keep this fun time in our memory. We also got a map that shows where the constellations were located, and we walked in the directions where the constellations were located.
That’s all for STAR LAB! Everyone had a great time learning new things about constellations and the sun.

Hi! I’m Adriana Karaqi. I am nine years old. My birthday is on Novemeber 20, 2004. My favorite color is green. My favorite activities are drawing...