Make A Wish

HUTCHINSON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL– “Let’s make a wish for all of these amazing kids to get better.” This is what was said at Hutchinson Elementary’s Town Hall meeting, where we welcomed a social worker, Ms. Hillary, from the Make A Wish foundation.

This year for Spirit Week, student government has chosen to work with Make A Wish. Make A Wish is a non-profit organization that works with kids that have chronic diseases, to get their first, last, or most recent wish. Student government thought this was an amazing group of people doing an amazing thing. So what else could we do but want to help!

KS said, “I can’t wait to donate money for children who can’t get out of the hospital, and I really like what Student Government is doing!”

RJ replied, “I really like how Student Government is helping kids with sicknesses!”

CB added, “I think it is really good idea to help kids. I think it should be done more.”

In the Town Hall, Ms. Hillary talked about a child that they had worked with, and she read a note that the company received from the kid! This moved so many people and it was very interesting to hear.

Let’s Make A Wish. Thanks for reading!