The Pelham Olympics
PELHAM, NY– Have you ever been to the Pelham Olympics? It is a great way to tryout new things and have a super fun workout!
Some of the things each team did was tug-of-war, an obstacle course, a track that was one quarter of a mile, and even more!
“The Pelham Olympics to me, means working together as a team,” SD voiced.
“My favorite part of the Pelham Olympics was the long jump to see how far you could do a running jump,” MB claimed.
At the end the top 3 people that won the race for each team gets a trophy and everyone gets a medal for participation. Also at the end there is a giant water slide for completing every event in the Pelham Olympics.
The Pelham Olympics is a great way to exercise and have fun at the same time!
Hi! My name is KS. I love the outdoors. I love the color purple. I have a younger brother named NS. I am in Mrs. Hertwig's 5th grade class. ...