Trip to the Pelham Middle School
PELHAM MIDDLE SCHOOL– On the 30th of May, 5th grade visited the Pelham Middle School for a tour. 5S, 5H and 5G walked from Hutchinson to the Middle School at 9:15. Once we arrived, we were separated into 3 groups in alphabetical order by last name. The last name groups were orgranized from A-F, G-M, and N-Z. I was in the N-Z group. We visited the 6th grade Maker Space, the library, the 8th grade and 9-12th grade chorus. We even got a free cookie as the cafeteria’s treat!
LO states, “The middle school was cool and I can’t wait to go there next year!”
SL says, “I think that it is nice how we get to have a tour of the middle school before we actually go to it, because many people will get lost and get confused ,so it’s good that they’re showing everyone around.”
Ms. Buzin shares, “I love walking with the 5th grade to the middle school because they always get excited about the school they’re going to in the fall.”
Hopefully all 5th graders are eager and excited to go into the middle school!

Hi, my name is NS! It all started for me here when I hopped on an airplane with my brother and landed in NY! I have 2 brothers named Adam and Dario. Adam...