Report Cards
PELHAM SCHOOLS– It’s time for report cards! In December, the report cards were handed out and everyone was nervous. All around Pelham, kids were handed a yellowish-orange envelope.
If you do not know what report cards are, they are pieces of paper that have grades on them.
EC explained, “Even if I feel like I did good, I am still nervous.”
DL quoted, “Report cards are always interesting.”
KS said, “I think when I first see the envelope, I am very scared and excited because I do not know what my grades are.”
There are three different times you get a report card: One in December, one in March, and another on the last day of school. Report cards are scary, but remember, you still have two trimesters left.
Hi my name is SL. I am in Ms. Soccodato's fifth grade class. I am ten years old. I have two sisters that are both awesome. I am obsessed with cats...