The Lock Down Drill

HUTCHINSON SCHOOL– Were you ever squished in a small space? Have you ever herd someone knocking on the door at the same time? If you’re wondering why we practice this drill, its because if an emergency ever happened, you would know what to do and how to do it.
In a lock down drill, it is dark. A lock down drill can sometimes be scary for some people.
SG says, ”I feel squished and bored in a lock down.”
TG says, ”I feel calm in a lock down.”
In a lock down it is very important to be quiet and out of sight from the door. Sometimes there can be a lot of hiding and sometimes there might not be as many hiding spots. But the most important parts is to stay out of sight and to be quiet in a lock down.
Did you know that in a lock down, there could be a stranger in the building?!

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