The 5th Grade Meets Middle School
PELHAM MIDDLE SCHOOL– On May 20th, the 5th grade walked all the way to Pelham Middle School!
Of course, we were all wearing sneakers. When we got there, we had an amazing tour!
Hiba Bakery says, “It was fun and I got a good experience.”
“It’s fun, and I will be ready for middle school,” says Amr Alfalahi.
We learned a lot about Pelham Middle School. We even got to go into a classroom!
We asked questions and then the 6th graders answered them. There was a guy named Mr. Brown, who is a guidance counselor.
What an amazing experience!

My name is Augie Brightman. I live with my mom, my sister, Anna, my dad, and my dog, Pheobe. I really enjoy drawing comics about cartoon characters that...