New Books Rock!
Have you seen all the new books in the Hutchinson library? Do you like reading books? If you do, you should try the new ones in the library!
Each year Mrs. Falvey, the librarian, and Mrs. Puskar, the library media specialist, choose about two hundred to three hundred new books that the district buys for us! Did you know that the library has over 8,000 books?
Mrs. Falvey said, “I like to read the new, illustrated biographies. There are many different genres of books in our library!”
3rd grader Katia Mitrione said, “I like President Taft is Stuck in the Bath.” She read one of the new dog books. She liked the book, so you should look at it, too!
3rd grader Sarah Dau also read the book President Taft is Stuck in the Bath.
Here is some advice from Mrs. Falvey: “Whenever you want to pick another book, you may do so whenever I don’t have a class. This policy encourages students to be constantly reading; you don’t have to wait for their next scheduled library class for another book!”

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