HUTCHINSON ATRIUM– On Tuesday, January 21, Hutchinson had an assembly where Mr. Vamos taught Hutchinson students about owning up to their mistakes.
Hutchinson’s music teacher, Mr. Vamos, explained how to own up to your mistakes. He told us the story of how someone stuck gum in one of the music room guitars and didn’t own up to it.
CV commented, “It shows a lot about ownership and taking responsibility for your actions and it’s important to do so.”
Mr. Vamos also read the book The Girl Who Never Makes Mistakes. In the story, the girl was mistake-free for as long as anybody could remember. One day she tried to juggle at the talent show. She was about to go to a talent show and she grabbed the wrong thing to juggle and she didn’t realize! She went on the stage to juggle and she dropped the toys! When she realized she dropped it, she laughed because she made her first mistake. But she took ownership of her mistake and cleaned up the mess. She then realized it’s okay to make mistakes and that’s why Mr. Vamos read the book to Hutchinson students.
Mr. Vamos mainly had this meeting to really explain that if you make a mistake, you can fix it by taking ownership, telling the truth, and saying, “I’m sorry” or, “I regret it.”
Mr. Vamos had the assembly to tell Hutchinson that it’s okay to make mistakes. He says, “Don’t try to never make a mistake; just try to own up to the ones you do make.”