Sonic 2



IN MOVIE THEATERS EVERYWHERE– Have you been bored of shows lately? Well, Sonic 2 is here! Step right up and watch it at The Picture House!

Watch out because there is a lot of movie theaters playing Sonic 2 in N.Y. Critic reviews are great for this part 2 of Sonic The Hedgehog! You will enjoy it!

A.V. said, “It was very fun because you do not know what is going to happen next and when something bad is going to happen then Sonic charges up to fix it!”

Before thinking not to watch it, think one last time! Sonic turns golden at the end of the movie. At the start of the movie, Sonic stops a robbery.  There is a lesson to be learned here!

Knuckles realizes that he can be good for tails and Sonic. He’s good by stopping the evil droids.

A.G says, “I like when at the end when Knuckles turns good.”