Persuasive Letters Writing Unit

HUTCHINSON SCHOOL– The 4th graders started giving persuasive writing a shot. You get to choose a subject to write about.

In 4L, we have 4 sections to choose from, which are conserving water, change of the lunch at our school, the tax on soda, and finally the charge on plastic bags. I think this is a really fun and cool unit, and I’m glad we are learning about it!

Delia Lavallee commented, “I think it’s cool we get to learn a skill that can help us when we need it.”

Lucy Ow said, “I think that it’s going to be really fun, and I’m doing the lunch.  I want there to be a vegetarian menu for vegetarians instead of just meat.”

Serafina Lavallee reported, “I’m doing the no-kill shelters and I’m sending my letter to the government, and persuasive writing  is very fun because you get to recover information you’ve never known before!”

The category I’m doing is the school’s lunch. I’m glad we started our new skill in persuasive writing and I hope it turns out well!